Resources / Information


National Careers Service

Hampshire Career Coach tool from Hampshire Careers Partnership

Go Construct– Career Explorer website – build your future as an Architect, carpenter, surveyor, electrician, bricklayer, engineer…

Barclays Life Skills

Career Pilot

BBC Bitesize Careers


Buzz Quiz

Creative Careers

Future Learn Careers

Youth employment

Target careers– help and advice for school leavers

NHS Careers

My World of Work

Speakers for Schools

Hampshire Careers Partnership – Your Future, Your Options



Find an apprenticeship – a government website to find apprenticeships using your postcode.

Amazing Apprenticeships – range of resources to help teachers, parents, pupils and employers navigate the changing world of apprenticeship. – Government Apprenticeship Service information website on apprenticeships aimed at young people, adults, parents, employers, careers advisers/teachers.

UK website to search and apply for apprenticeship vacancies. Students need to register on this site to be able to apply for vacancies.

Apprenticeship Guide – lots of info. On different types of apprenticeships/sectors and how to choose an apprenticeship.

Rate My Apprenticeship – includes information on Degree Apprenticeships.

Target Careers – includes information on degree level apprenticeships and school leaver trainee schemes.

Most of the local/regional further education colleges advertise apprenticeship vacancies that can be applied for via their websites: e.g.,