
In year 7 the students will participate in a range of Technology activities to develop their core and technical skills to become more competent, confident and expert at creating design solutions to a given brief. They will also be encouraged to use a range of specialist tools, materials and equipment.

In year 8 students are encouraged to develop independence in the development of their Design solutions. Across this year students will look at the impact of plastics on our environment and their use in an eco friendly way. Students will develop from their skills in year 7 and use methods of colouring fabrics and cooking techniques in the creation of designs for a given Brief.

In year 9 students will be investigating and making use of recycled materials. They will cover different materials and how they can be recycled or reused within the remit of a design brief. They will use all of the skills they have learnt in years 7 and 8 and will advance these skills to make each of the practical pieces throughout the year. They will also learn how to prepare and cook healthy meals so they can feed themselves in the future and gain a better understanding of “farm to fork”.