Testwood School Uniform

A smart School uniform is an important part of the image of the School and we rely on parents to support us in our efforts to project the best image possible. The uniform is easily available from Skookit, is smart, comfortable and reasonably priced. All items of clothing should be clearly named. Other uniform providers may be used.

It is the policy of the School that the students should wear the following School uniform:

School Blazer

Plain black with School badge on top pocket. Compulsory until May half-term and then optional for the final half-term.

School Tie

School ties in house colours must be worn and are obtainable from Skoolkit. At least six stripes should be showing. Prefect ties must show the Testwood School logo.


Plain white and buttoned to the neck with a plain collar. Please note: on formal occasions long sleeves are necessary.


Plain black pleated 24” knee length skirt. Short and/or tight skirts are not acceptable for School. Fashion, wrap-over or long skirts are not appropriate. Denim or cord are not allowed.


Plain black tailored School trousers. (Fashion trousers, e.g. very tight trousers are not acceptable). Denim or cord are not allowed. Leggings are not allowed.


Plain black or grey tailored school shorts are an option all-year round.


Plain black with Testwood badge. Optional to wear underneath blazer, NOT instead of blazer


Totally black footwear which must fasten securely for safety. No other colours on the footwear and no air bubbles are permitted. No footwear above the ankle e.g. no ankle boots or higher, must be traditional shoe height. Low heels must be worn. Suitable footwear should be worn in snowy conditions.


In plain colours only: white, grey or black socks or black tights should be worn. Socks are not to be patterned.

Outdoor Coat

Smart, plain dark coloured, preferably black without badges. Denim, leather jackets and hoodies are not acceptable.


A watch, one plain stud earring in either or each ear lobe and School badges are the only acceptable additions to the School uniform. It may be necessary to remove items of jewellery in some practical lessons. Facial/body piercing is not acceptable for School. Stretchers, hoops, retainers, mouth smileys or tongue studs are not allowed.


Year 7, 8 and 9 students are not allowed to wear make-up. Year 10 and 11 may wear natural looking subtle make-up, but this should be only discreet mascara and/or foundation. No nail varnish, false nails or extensions allowed. Hand paint or henna is not allowed. Nor lip stick or lip gloss.


The school reserves the right to make a judgement on whether a student’s hairstyle, hair colour or headwear is inappropriate for the school environment; however, the school will ensure that any such judgements do not discriminate against any student. Students with long hair must ensure that this does not impede their vision, cover their face, or cause a health and safety risk. Long hair must be tied up during practical lessons (e.g. during PE).

The following hairstyles, hair colours and headwear are not considered appropriate for school:

* Brightly coloured dyed hair
* Excessive hair accessories
* Excessive tramlines in the back or side of the head