Ofsted Ofsted Graded GOOD in 2019 Ofsted Report 2019 Ofsted Home Page Ofsted School Dashboard Ofsted School Dashboard Ofsted Quotes from 2015 “A culture of high expectations”“Effective one-to-one guidance”“Students make good progress in lessons”“Students behave well”“The academy is calm, orderly and free from litter or graffiti”“Actions to keep children safe are effective”“The leadership team is highly effective”“The academy’s values of tolerance, a sense of fair play and being considerate to all are continuously promoted”“Fundamental British values are explicitly promoted”“Students gain a thorough understanding of the values upon which our society is built” “The leadership of careers education is effective”“Students display positive attitudes to learning”“The academy is a safe place to learn”“Teachers know their students very well and support them using a wide range of effective approaches”“Teachers use information about students’ progress towards challenging targets effectively”“Teachers are skilled at ensuring the work they set is stretching enough and accessible”“Teachers question students well”“The way teachers use their assessment of students’ work is highly consistent and effective”“Students learn a great deal from responding to their marked work”