We are using Compass as a tool to demonstrate that we are successfully meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks which is how schools measure their CEIAG provision. We also use the Start online careers platform to educate and inform our pupils around careers during P.S.H.E. sessions.
We will be moving to Compass+ in 2022 to assist with our provision, monitoring and recording of careers provision for Testwood pupils.
Testwood School is keen to develop meaningful relationships with education providers, employers and businesses to ensure our pupils gain the qualities, skills and qualifications required to fulfil their ambition and aspirations.
As staff, your role is to continue to provide informative and inspirational opportunities to bring careers learning both inside and outside of the classroom. At Testwood School we have a dedicated Careers Lead, Mr Ainsworth who will answer any questions you may have, share opportunities and resources to help staff build careers into the curriculum.
See our resources page and the Careers and Enterprise teacher resources for information and links that can help staff support careers education within their curriculum areas.