During your time at Testwood School, you will have an opportunity to experience a variety of careers tasks based around classroom work, events, visits and activities to ensure that you are prepared and ready for the world of work. The steps you take now will set you up for future success, so make the most of everything on offer to you!
Students in Years 7-11 are entitled:
1. To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point.
2. To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options evenings, assemblies and group discussions and taster events.
3. To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.
Where face to face is not possible due to Covid 19 – virtual / online alternatives will be offered.
You have a dedicated Careers Leader, Mr Ainsworth available to you at school. Email or (EBP Careers Advisor). Whether, you need help writing your first CV, are curious about how to join one of the Services, would like some information on the local colleges or want to chat about your future choices we are here to help!

Specific careers lessons take place in each group.
Year 7: Students will complete careers modules as part of the ‘PSHE’ lessons. The ‘World of Work’ modules will seek to enable students to recognise their strengths, skills and qualities. They will also have chance to enhance their social communication skills through a speed networking event where they discuss a variety of careers with local businesses.
Year 8: Careers lessons remain as part of the ‘PSHE’ programme and specifically look at ways of supporting students with their ‘Option choices and opportunities’ by giving them ideas about how different subjects will be useful for different careers. Students will have access to a range of careers websites including ‘Start careers’. They will look at choosing GCSE’s and employability skills.
Year 9: ‘Developing yourself for the future’ Students will have another opportunity to meet employers through an additional speed networking event. This will enable them to build on the modules covered in PSHE whilst looking at exploring industries/ careers; An introduction into apprenticeships and ‘life as an apprentice’.
Year 10: ‘Career experiences and opportunities.’ A number of opportunities to explore post-16 opportunities are provided to students through visits to local Colleges. In addition to this; the PSHE programme enables students to look at ‘Making Post-16 choices’, apprenticeships, and work preparation to develop their CV, interview skills and application techniques in preparation for Year 11.
Year 11: ‘Preparations for your future’. Our focus for Year 11 students is to provide them with advice specific to their needs. All students will meet with an independent careers advisor at least once. They are also able to attend drop in sessions and workshops to help them with any queries that they may have.
Assemblies – We invite all local Colleges and apprenticeship providers to speak to the students during our assemblies. This effectively prepares students for the College application process.
Careers Evening – Testwood School education, employment and careers evening. All students and parents are invited to meet representatives from colleges, universities, various careers and apprenticeship providers. They will also be invited to meet local business providers from a wide range of sectors in order to learn more about the educational expectations for careers paths.