Pastoral Curriculum

Tutor Time:
At Testwood, we believe that there should be no lost learning moments. Our tutor periods and/or assemblies begin at 8.30am. Our carefully planned activities allow our students to broaden their cultural capital through educational presentations, engaging in teacher led discussions via contemporary topics from Newsround and our PSHE programme. At Testwood we also run numeracy and literacy activities within our tutor programme to all of our year groups.

Numeracy Programme:
Testwood School Numeracy is an interactive mathematics resource designed to support students to improve their numeracy skills. The resource is specific to all Year groups with activities to be completed during tutor time. All activities are teacher-led with students able to do calculations and workings out in their numeracy book. At Testwood, we want all students to view mathematics as something to be curious about, its significance and that it is fun.

Literacy Programme:
Testwood School Literacy is all about helping students appreciate the literacy skills we use in all subjects, and in all aspects of our lives. We spend one tutor time session a week reading our reading books independently, which is a great opportunity to have some quiet time and develop our reading skills. We also take the time to debate articles about news stories from around the world, discussing how they have an impact on us in a constructive and positive way. We want to foster a culture of reading and appreciation, and enjoyment, of literacy.

PSHE –   Visit our PSHE page here

Assemblies are delivered by a range of our staff team, external speakers, as well as our students from the School Council. The latter offers them to opportunity to communicate to peers, improve self-confidence and model positive behaviour for others.
Weekly assemblies offer an occasion for the whole year group to gather together. These have been carefully planned to provide thought provoking messages, as well as key information for the week ahead. Quite often, they relate to world events, ensuring our students are very much in touch with what’s going on outside of the local area. We are equipping our students to be global citizens, who are respectful and understanding of different cultures and identities.

Some of the key significance of assemblies for our students include:

• Reinforcing and promoting British Values
• Celebrating key events throughout the year
• Understand the world around us
• Learn valuable lessons/social discipline
• Develop acceptance of diversity across society
• Confidence building
• Reward and celebration